I drove up on Friday morning and got started around noon. My list of priorities was to remove the shingles on the south side of the house, install the drip edge, lay out the roofing felt, apply the starter strip and start laying shingles if time allowed. I folded back the tarp and started removing the three layers of old roof. I was able to work for 2 1/2 hours and then had to cover up for a rain storm. I lost about 2 1/2 hours because of the rain.
After the storm, I was able to climb back up and fold back the tarp and work another 2 1/2 hours. In my 5 hours of working, I was able to get down to the roofing deck, and install the drip edge. I applied the starter strip and covered up for the evening. As I was standing in the livingroom, I realized that I applied the starter strip before I put on the roofing felt. I would need to pull up the strip and apply the felt first thing in the morning.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
It rained quite a bit over night. CMV arrived to find overcast skies and the threat of rain. After a brief shower, we were able to get up on the roof and get started. I removed the starter strip and applied the roofing felt. I the re-applied the starter strip, and attached drip edge on the rake edge. We were ready to shingle.

With the aid of the air compressor and coil nailer, we managed to work our way up the roof close to the top. We attached shingles upto the chimney cutout and stopped for the day. We did not have any more rain, but we had several scares. We have learned to keep the tarps at the ready.
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