We made a day trip up to check on the cottage today. It is a pretty nice day, but has been very cold the last few days. The lake is still frozen, and there were several ice fishermen out. If the ice is considered safe today, it will not be tomorrow.
The place is fine. The only surprise was that the propane tank vanished. I thought that someone had taken it for their own use. It turns out that the free tank is only free if you fill it at least once a year. We have had the place for almost a year and a half, and we are still using the propane the previous owners purchased. The gas company had come by the place and picked up the tank and kindly refunded the previous owners for the gas.
We have been discussing different options for heating, as neither of us like the propane. I guess this is a sign that we need to make a decision.
I have not updated as often as I would like, so I will catch you up on our progress that we made to this point.
The drywall is finished and painted. We will need to do some touch up painting once we install the baseboards and the ceiling trim.
The flooring is complete in the living room, and both bedrooms. We need to lay the tile in the kitchen and hallway. This will be one of the first projects this spring or early summer when the weather warms up.
We need to install a new source of heat. We are leaning towards baseboards, but have not made a final decision.