Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Primer and Paint

CMV stayed an extra day and decided to apply the first coat of primer to the new floor in the porch. The wood that we used (pine) is really going to soak up the paint, so a good layer of primer is essential.

We are taking a week off from going to the cottage, so we will apply the second coat the following week. We should be able to start painting on Sunday before we leave. We would be able to actually paint on Saturday, but by waiting an extra day, we give it the week to dry with no one walking in and out of the house.

We returned and painted the floor a dark green. The color was originally intended to be our accent color for the exterior of the house, but I am not sure we are feeling the same way at this point. We have decided to hold off on replacing the siding, so we might not change much. The painted floor is going to show the evidence of wear and tear along with normal foot traffic. It may force us to give it a touch up every so often.

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