Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Everything Needs Support

As has happened with many of the projects we have undertaken, the removal of the air conditioner was not as easy as it should have been. The unit was supported by a frame constructed from 1" x 6" boards, and those boards were supported by virtually nothing. I removed the old boards and framed in a new structure that should keep the air conditioner from moving around.

With the AC unit out and the support structure in, we hung a sheet of drywall and secured the unit.

We only had the time to hang one more sheet of drywall before it was time to clean up and go home. I re-installed to propane gas shut-off and replaced the outlet cover.

1 comment:

Jeannie Hayes said...

I tried this earlier, but it said that I had to have a google accnt. I have tried to set one up so I hope you get this. I love seeing the progress that you are making. The cottage looks great. I will try now to send this to you. Love you all.